Journey to Hidaya

Arrogant, gorgeous CEO Zoya Zameer's success hides a dark history.
A history that involves her loss of faith.
Until she meets simple, faithful Haroun Suleiman.
Who turns her entire belief system upside down. 

For the past six years, Zoya Zameer has strictly abided by one vow: trust no one. Successful and self-reliant, Zoya is perfectly content with her extravagant life in front of the cameras.​

Or so she claims.​

When Haroun Suleiman shows up at Zameer Co., Zoya is immediately entranced by him. He’s deeply devoted to religion—just like the people from her past claimed to be—yet unlike them, Haroun exudes nothing but gentleness and sincerity.

​With Haroun’s arrival, everything Zoya thought she knew about Islam is thrown into disarray. Her harsh experiences with religion clash starkly against Haroun Suleiman’s kind, empathetic personality—he might just be the catalyst for Zoya’s journey back towards God. But in order to regain her faith, Zoya must break down her self-imposed barriers and come to terms with her traumatic past.

​But which sacrifices will the notorious Zoya Zameer have to make in order to discover her purpose and reorient herself? And just how far is she willing to push Haroun’s boundaries to fulfill her desires?

Captured and Released

Thirty teenagers, freshman to senior, join forces sharing their lives, hopes, dreams, fears, and victories through story form, poetry, photography, and art in this anthology.

Left of Center

An anthology filled with joy, grief, rage, and pleasure; a book of pure and nonconforming honesty.

“AZHAR’S DEBUT will touch your heart in indescribable ways. it’s a heart-wrenching, beautiful masterpiece.”

— Zainab Nisar, PK


— Amal Wasti, UAE


Kainat Azhar loves writing stories that explore the human heart, about characters she aspires to be like. She writes about bold and shy and chaotic brown Muslim girls with tragic backstories, complicated feelings, and the biggest hearts. She tends to avoid reading books that will make her cry, but has no problem writing them. Kainat also enjoys flipping the script and surprising readers with unique plotlines and characters (psst: this is a sign to read her debut novel Journey to Hidaya, which explores the spiritual journey of a Pakistani Muslim CEO).

Through her writing, Kainat aims to showcase the Muslim and South Asian experiences as just as raw, authentic, and relevant as other experiences in contemporary fiction.


