“Journey to Hidaya is quite literally as titled: a story that took me on my own emotional and spiritual adventure—alongside protagonist Zoya Zameer—to seeking out my Creator. In a world of hyper-sexualization and shattered families, this story highlights the true beauty that can be found if we only but choose to love in the manner decreed by the All-Wise.
Very few books have touched my soul. And no other novel has called me to the remembrance of my Lord so strongly that it brought tears to my eyes. But Journey to Hidaya did that. So to anyone who’s searching for true love, read this book, and God willing you’ll find yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with The Almighty Himself."
"Journey to Hidaya follows the story of Zoya Zameer—a character so realistically and intricately portrayed, one cannot help but love her despite all of her faults. Then comes Haroun—a gentle, flickering candle in the darkness of Zoya's world. His light might be enough for Zoya to see the straight path, but is it enough for her to walk it herself?
Journey to Hidaya follows that very journey—for Zoya, for Haroun, and ultimately, for all of the readers. It compels you look within yourself and realize that the one journey worth taking is to the One who is closer to you than your jugular vein.
There are few books that have impacted me this greatly; Journey to Hidaya will always remain amongst the few that did.”
“Journey to Hidaya has been such a joy to read! From learning new things about faith, to reaching the end of each chapter with a renewed warmth for the author, it’s been an incredible journey. The character description is such that it allows readers to step into their shoes and experience their lives with them. The flaws of the characters make the story realistic and relatable, and keep readers constantly intrigued!
As for the author, Kainat has a great way with words, and has brilliantly written the plot.
To sum it up, give this book a read!”